Read more about the article Give Pizz-A Chance: Boston Pizza Wars, South Shore Bar Pizza Social Club unite to promote Massachusetts-made pizza (#masspizza)
From left: Marc Russo (Boston Pizza Wars), Kerry J. Byrne (South Shore Bar Pizza Social Club), bar pizza maker Otis O'Toole (O'Toole's Pub in Whitman) and Steve D'Amato (Boston Pizza Wars) recently joined forces to promote #masspizza.

Give Pizz-A Chance: Boston Pizza Wars, South Shore Bar Pizza Social Club unite to promote Massachusetts-made pizza (#masspizza)

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CONTACT – Kerry J. Byrne, 617-797-0408,; Steve D’Amato, QUINCY, MASS. – February 17, 2021 – Two of New England’s most successful grassroots efforts to support local eateries in the Era of…

Continue ReadingGive Pizz-A Chance: Boston Pizza Wars, South Shore Bar Pizza Social Club unite to promote Massachusetts-made pizza (#masspizza)
Read more about the article 21 reasons why South Shore bar pizza is America’s most delicious (and most eccentric) pizza tradition
Piles of pizza at bar pie landmark Lynwood Cafe, including stacks to go in the South Shore style's signature brown paper bags.

21 reasons why South Shore bar pizza is America’s most delicious (and most eccentric) pizza tradition

Plenty of bars around America, indeed around the world, serve pizza. After all, what culinary combination satiates the inner desires of mankind better than cold beer and hot pizza? Not…

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Read more about the article A tribute to an American culinary icon, the late, great Alumni Cafe
The Alumni Cafe was a local institution for more than 50 years in what's known around Boston as South Shore-style bar pizza.

A tribute to an American culinary icon, the late, great Alumni Cafe

  • Post category:Travel

(This story originally ran in August 2013 in the Boston Herald upon the closing of a long-time American culinary institution, the Alumni Cafe of Quincy, Mass. The Alumni was a…

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